Note: I did not have time to finish the client UI so the server just plays for you. Walks around at random and attacks. So nothing to do other than watch. You can connect with multiple windows and they will connect to the same server. Thank you for taking a look.

I found the Jame Gam #26 with less than 2 days remaining. I loved the theme so I had to make an attempt. It's written in C++, uses OpenGL for graphics, ImGui for the UI, ENet for the networking and is compiled for the Web with Emscripten.

Why is it networked? I love working with difficult technology and will use any excuse to use it in impossibly short time frames. Please send help.

The original idea was you are the minions living in a dungeon and must work with other minions to defeat over powered adventurers who keep walking in and breaking all your barrels and chests (even old ones in corners nobody has touched in ages). You get some very basic cards to start with, and then you kill adventurers to get gold and cards from them. Higher level cards costs gold to activate and lower level cards are on timers. Cards will wear out and get destroyed with use. Cards may also spawn randomly. Cards can provide active skills, passive skills and different body types. Cards held in the active deck are lost on death. You can trade cards with minions.

P.S, now that the game jam is over I'll start uploading edits once I finished a few things to have something playable.

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